The Steward Collection ceramics are dominated by fragments of prehistoric pottery. Ceramics from the collection include samples from the Pre-Pueblo Fremont Period (1,800-1,000 B.P.) and the Ancestral Numic Shoshoni, Goshute, and Ute Period (1,000-300 B.P.). Pre-Pueblo ceramics include plain graywere, some corrugated grayware and samples of black-on-gray. Whole ceramic artifacts include a “clowd blower” or smoking pipe of probable Pre-Pueblo Fremont and clay trapezoid figurines attributable to the Pre-Pueblo Fremont. Body sherds that have been reworked and used for smoothing other pottery vessels are Pre-Pueblo Fremont as is a pottery sherd that has been ground around the edges, drilled, and used as a person pendent. Ancestral Numic ceramics are all Great Salt Lake Grayware fragments.